High perfomance F3J competition glider. First in the Xplorer series available in X-tail or 2 piece V-tail fuselage version and 3 different wingspan options. Came to the scene in 2008 with the aim to cover whole spectre of weather conditions. Through the years on the model were made numerous upgrades in terms of increasing the wingspan, impoving handling, surface quality and decreasing flying weight. As the last update is wing and tails made with lighter carbon fiber and is using new fuse of Xplorer 3. Model is suitable for experienced modelars and competitors.

The kit is supplied with:

– Carbon fuselage
– Fully molded composite wing panels
– Fully molded composite tail
– Full accessory pack

If you are interested to buy Xplorer 1 and we do not have distributor in your country, please send us an e-mail.

Additional information

Technical data

3500 3800 4000
Wing span 3500 mm 3800 mm 4000 mm
Fuselage legth 1650 mm 1650 mm 1650 mm
Wing area 75,85 dm² 81,5 dm² 86,7 dm²
Tail area 8,8 dm² 8,8 dm² 8,8 dm²


Light Standard Strong
RTF weight 3500 ~1600g ~1800g ~2000g
3800 ~1650g ~1850g ~2050g
4000 ~1700g ~1900g ~2100g
Wing loading 3500 18,9 g/dm² 21,3 g/dm² 23,6 g/dm²
3800 18,3 g/dm² 20,5 g/dm² 22,7 g/dm²
4000 17,8 g/dm² 19,9 g/dm² 22 g/dm²
Wind speed limit 3500 <3m/s <8m/s <15m/s
3800 <3m/s <8m/s <15m/s
4000 <3m/s <8m/s <15m/s

Phase Settings:

Normal [mm] Launch [mm] Thermal [mm] Speed [mm]
Ailerons Up 4
Down 11 3
Flaps Up 4
Down 11 3
Elevator Up
Down 4 3 2

Surface movements

Left [mm] Right [mm] Up [mm] Down [mm] Butterfly [mm]
Ailerons Up 13 13 10
Down 8 8
Flaps Up
Down MAX
Elevator Up 25
Down 30 15
Rudder Left 30
Right 30

Center of gravity

Empty plane [mm] Ballasted [mm]
Center of gravity 135 128